6 months ago


Category: AI Voice
Pricing: Freemium

Blahget, your smart, fast, and accurate AI-powered voice assistant for personal budgeting. Blahget simplifies finance management by allowing you to track expenses and earnings with just your voice. Say goodbye to the clutter of numbers, buttons, and charts. Blahget is here to make finance tracking as easy as speaking or typing a sentence.

Main Features:

  • Voice Recognition: Just tell Blahget your expenses, and it logs them for you.
  • Intuitive Interface: Easy to use for everyone, regardless of tech expertise.
  • Automatic Categorization: Your expenses are neatly categorized without extra effort.
  • Query Handling: Ask how much you spent on groceries, and Blahget instantly calculates it for you.

Important Use Cases:

  • Daily Expense Tracking: Quickly log daily expenditures without manual entry.
  • Financial Insights: Gain insights into where your money goes and where you can save.
  • Effortless Budgeting: Make budgeting straightforward and efficient, reducing financial stress.

Pricing and Free Trial:

Currently, Blahget is building more amazing features and eagerly awaits your feedback. The pricing structure and free trial details are evolving. Stay tuned for updates on affordable plans that cater to your financial management needs.

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Sahil Wadibhasme
Member since: 7 months
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