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5+ Best AI Tools for Content Creation in 2024

5+ Best AI Tools for Content Creation in 2024

The appearance of ChatGPT-3.5 and later, its newer version, ChatGPT-4, provided a superb resource for creators to automate content creation using the power of artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, the flipside was that several bloggers and website owners began using solely AI-generated content without exerting little or any personal effort.

The result was disastrous. Google, the foremost search engine in the world, put down its foot and came up with a whole new set of sophisticated algorithms that could ignore or even prevent the ranking of AI-generated content. To the extent that Google Search Advocate John Mueller went on record to state that content generated automatically is considered spam.

Also read: How I Wrote a 180,000-Word Book Using AI

The Fallout of Google’s Policy

No sooner had Google announced its new algorithms and announcement that AI-generated content would be treated as spam, several bloggers and content writers with zero or little experience found themselves helpless. They had to develop content creation skills that weren’t really easy to learn. Or, give up content writing altogether.

If you were affected by these changes and policies of Google, there’s nothing really much to fear. Instead, you can still use ChatGPT-3.5 or other content generation resources for creating content. However, instead of using such AI-generated content verbatim or without rewriting, you can use these AI tools for superb research and writing your own content in your own words.

This brings us to the question of how to create content using the best AI tools in 2024. I will respond to your queries in this article, which I hope proves useful.

Let’s start by exploring some of the drawbacks of AI content creation tools. That would give you a better picture of using these AI tools for content creation judiciously and, at the same time, helping you to write superb content.

Drawbacks of AI Tools for Content Creation

Most AI tools for content creation are what are known as large language models. They can imitate or mimic human writing to a great extent. However, that’s exactly where their utility ends. AI-generated content often contains words and phrases that are repetitive.

That means if you write, for example, 10 different types of content on various topics using AI, the structure and, in most cases, the words in the AI-generated content will be almost identical. This makes it easy for any reader to know that your content is machine-generated and not original.

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, AI tools for content creation are programmed with data up to a specific date only. For example, ChatGPT-3.5 is updated only until February 2022, while ChatGPT-4 was updated until December 2024. Therefore, you wouldn’t be able to get the latest information for your content beyond those dates.

These dates are extremely important because writing superb content involves including the latest information about the topic. Generating content with an AI resource, not merely ChatGPT-4, will therefore not include the latest information, making your content obsolete and outdated.

Thirdly, all AI tools for content creation are trained on specific language models. This means they often use complex language and terms that don’t meet or conform to the Flesch English readability requirements of Google and other search engines.

In simple words, if your AI-generated content contains complex words, Google will deem it difficult to read, and you will miss out on rankings—something that would anyway occur if you provided outdated information.

And finally, all AI models don’t distinguish between reliable and unreliable websites when displaying results or while writing content. As a result, you might end up with incorrect information that could have severe consequences. You could lose precious Google rankings or even face lawsuits for plagiarism of someone’s content.

If you’re planning to write a book, please keep in mind that some of the largest institutions in the world that select the best books in all genres will not consider your work eligible for any awards if they find it was written using AI.

Using AI Tools for Content Creation

Having said that, you could still use the best AI tools for content creation. However, this involves using AI tools more as your assistant than a full-fledged writer. If you’re considering using a superb AI tool as your content creation assistant, here’s my curated list.

A distinct advantage you can enjoy by using AI tools for content creation is saving time and creating content that could outrank other competitors. However, these salient features are available only if you exert your own efforts while creating content and don’t solely depend on the AI tool.

1. ChatGPT-4

Personally, I find ChatGPT-4 to be the best assistant for writing content. Understandably, it can write entire content, but that’s not what I use it for. Instead, ChatGPT-4 is very useful for finding headlines for content, ideas for content, and, to a great extent, research about something, provided you give the right prompts.

For example, if I’m writing money-making ideas for an audience, I ask ChatGPT-4 only to give me information from websites that’re very reliable and owned by companies, banks, or financial institutions.

Similarly, to write about any medical topic, I will prompt ChatGPT-4 to find me data from research papers from the US National Library of Medicine, the Cleveland Clinic, or other such portals.

2. Gemini AI

Gemini AI is a free resource from Google and can prove useful to do some basic research for content writing. It can prove to be a superb assistant in finding headlines, subheads, and even structures for content and suggested information that it should contain.

Obviously, I have to use my own discretion on what information, headlines, or subheads to use. But when I prompt Gemini AI to give me search engine optimization-friendly headlines, it does come up with several suggestions.

Other than that, Gemini AI can actually give you some real-time information since it leverages the power of the Google search engine. Though it can generate entire content based on prompts, I wouldn’t suggest that given the Google restrictions. Furthermore, you can get suggestions on framing sentences or using simple words for content through this superb AI resource.

3. Jasper

Earlier known as Jarvis, one of the distinct advantages of Jasper is that it is a tireless worker for any content writer to use. In fact, it’s a pleasure to use Jasper, to say the least. That’s because Jasper can help you create anything from short, 150-word content to long, 15,000-word content with some proper prompts and advice.

It can guide you to the best possible sources from which to find information for your content, or it can search and display information on its panel. Obviously, due to plagiarism concerns, never use the content that Jasper shows because you could inadvertently attract a lawsuit for copyright violations.

Jasper can help you create social media posts as well as marketing content and newsletters, depending on your needs.

4. Rytr.ai

As the name suggests, Rytr.ai is all about writing. This is an expensive AI tool for content creation, but it is also one that I would rank among the best. More than mere content creation, Rytr.ai is useful for a variety of purposes, such as writing books, essays, and even short stories.

It can help you create amazing advertising copies with proper prompts. You can easily rewrite the content displayed by Rytr.ai in your own words to make it authentic so that it passes any test for AI content detection.

However, this needs your own efforts too. Rytr.ai gives you suggestions on the use of grammar, simpler words, adding context or perspectives to your content, and also suggests graphics if you need them.

5. Copy.AI

Priced at $49 per month for a basic plan, Copy.AI isn’t cheap for most people. Therefore, I would suggest that you thoroughly study its various features, biases, and other facets before placing your money on this amazing AI tool.

If you’re into creating social media content, Copy.AI would prove to be a vital assistant. It offers multiple templates and social media post ideas.

You can also use different styles for your content by getting suggestions to write serious, practical, down-to-earth, satirical, or even comedic or humorous content, depending on your target audience. You can use Copy.AI for creating blog posts and website content for business websites, as well as marketing presentations and plans with suggestions from its AI engine.

6. Writesonic.AI

Also on my list of the best AI tools for content creation is Writesonic. AI. This is a very AI-powered writing tool that comes loaded with features for content creation. You can create a variety of content using Writesonic.AI, such as engaging and interesting blog posts, articles for newspapers, features for magazines, website content, and, to some extent, social media posts too.

When used in collaboration with other AI tools for creating presentations, you can have a killer combination. Writesonic.AI comes with its own plagiarism checker and a grammar check tool powered by AI.

Hence, you can be assured that your content will be free of plagiarism, grammatical errors, and punctuation errors. However, it is prudent to recheck the content once you have written it using inputs from Writesonic.AI. The price starts at $25 per month for the basic plans.

Wrap Up

These are some of the best AI tools for text content creation in 2024 that you can use with full confidence. As I mentioned earlier, never use AI content directly on your website to avoid conflict of interest with Google algorithms or even risks of plagiarism or outdated content seeping into your works.

Instead, use these best AI tools for content creation as your research assistants only and exert some effort in creating your own, original content for any purpose.

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